April ends nesting action for the Bald Eagles. They will stay around until the chicks get strong enough to fly greater distances. Early April is when we can see the fledglings around the nests learning their awesome flying skills.
April begins the spring shorebird migrations which last through May. On my tours we will focus on these thousands of birds in flight and feeding in the salt marshes. Most have timed their migrations in order to fatten up on the protein rich Horseshoe Crab eggs and other protein rich food sources like Mollusks and Crustaceans and sea worms. These long distance migrators can double their body weight in just three to four weeks, before departing to summer nesting grounds some all the way to the Arctic range. These birds undergo a magnificent transformation from their monotone grey and brown winter coats to colorful summer plumage before leave here. We have carved out excellent dates and times for prime photo action - weather permitting - all for best light and tide levels.
The migration season wanes just as the Seabird nesting is beginning and the timing couldn't be better for us,the wildlife photographers. In May these colony nesters are busy with courtship and nest building on the barrier island rookeries. These birds include the Brown Pelican, Royal, Sandwich and Gull-billed Tern, Black Skimmer, Oyster catcher and the Laughing Gull. Also on the fringes of the rookeries and also nesting are the Willett, Clapper Rail, Least Tern and Wilson's Plover.
If you would like to join a tour or wish to plan a private or private group tour, please call or E-mail me.
All tours are limited in size to 4 people. Upon booking, I will put you and your group in an information loop providing departure updates, directions to boat launch and a list of suggested equipment, dress and preparations for travel.