For two and a half glorious months we get to witness the cycle of life for approximately 8 species of seabirds as they live through their nesting season. This season follows right on the heels of another incredible wonder of nature the spring Shorebird migration. As the Whimbrel and and the last of the spring migrators are leaving the seabirds are courting and building nests at the barrier island seams. These birds include: the Brown Pelican, Royal, Sandwich and Gull-billed Tern, Black Skimmer, Oyster catcher and the Laughing Gull. Also on the fringes of the rookeries and also nesting are the Willett Clapper Rail, Least Tern and Wilson's Plover.
These tours happen at three separate locations The Charleston Harbor (Crab bank & Castle Pinckney), Deveaux Bank (at the mouth of the Edisto River) and Tomkins Island off Turtle Island between Daufuski and Tybee Island.